“My son-in-law made this and we all loved it!”

This recipe combines fluffy yeast-raised donuts with a sweet strawberry filling and a tangy strawberry glaze, creating a delightful homemade donut experience.


Glazed Strawberry Cream Cheese Donuts: A Delightful Treat



For the Yeast-Raised Doughnuts:


Ingredient Quantity
Unbleached All-Purpose Flour 4 1/2 cups
Dry Yeast 1 1/2 tablespoons
Whole Milk (heated to 110°F) 1 cup
Granulated Sugar 5 tablespoons
Kosher Salt 2 teaspoons
Ground Mace 1/2 teaspoon
Large Eggs 3
Unsalted Butter (room temperature) 5 tablespoons

For the Strawberry Mascarpone Filling:

Ingredient Quantity
Mascarpone (cold) 8 ounces
Granulated Sugar 2 tablespoons
Heavy Cream (cold) 1 cup
Strawberry Jam 1/4 cup

For the Strawberry Glaze:

Ingredient Quantity
Powdered Sugar 1 cup
Strawberry Puree or Jam 2-3 tablespoons
Vanilla Extract (optional) 1 teaspoon


  1. Prepare Ingredients and Activate Yeast:

    • Measure all the ingredients for the doughnuts.
    • Place the flour in a large bowl.
    • In a separate 2-cup measuring cup, heat the milk to 110°F (warm to the touch but not hot).
    • If your kitchen is cool, preheat your oven to create a warm proofing environment for the dough later.
  2. Make the Strawberry Filling (Optional):

    • In a mini food processor, combine the freeze-dried strawberries and sugar until finely ground.
    • In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, cook the strawberry mixture with the strawberry jam until it thickens to a jam consistency. Let it cool completely before using.
  3. Activate the Yeast:

    • Combine 1 cup of the flour, 1 tablespoon of the yeast, and 1 tablespoon of the sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer. Whisk these dry ingredients together.
  4. Wet Ingredients and Sponge Dough:

    • Add half of the warm milk (1/2 cup) and use a spatula to mix it with the dry ingredients until there are no lumps. This creates a starter dough called a sponge.
    • Let the sponge sit for 15 minutes to allow the yeast to activate.
  5. Mixing the Dough:

    • Add all the remaining doughnut ingredients (except the butter) to the stand mixer bowl with the sponge dough.
    • Using the paddle attachment, mix everything until the flour is completely incorporated with the wet ingredients.
  6. Kneading the Dough:

    • Switch the attachment to the dough hook and gradually add the softened butter in 3 pieces.
    • Once all the butter is incorporated, increase the speed to medium and knead the dough until it pulls away from the sides of the bowl and forms a smooth, elastic ball.
  7. First Rise:

    • Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface and knead by hand for 30 seconds to achieve a smooth and uniform texture.
    • Place the kneaded dough on a floured half baking sheet, cover it loosely with a tea towel, and let it rise in a warm place for 60 minutes, or until doubled in size.
  8. Shaping the Doughnuts:

    • Divide the risen dough into 15 equal pieces, each weighing about 80 grams.
    • Gently roll each piece into a ball.
    • Place the balls of dough on a parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving about 3 inches of space between them to allow for further rising.
  9. Second Rise:

    • Cover the shaped doughnuts loosely with plastic wrap or a tea towel and let them rise for another 30-45 minutes, or until they reach 2-3 times their original size.
  10. Frying the Doughnuts:

  • Heat oil in a large pot or deep fryer to 360°F (180°C).
  • Carefully fry the doughnuts for about 1 minute per side, or until golden brown.
  1. Filling the Doughnuts:
  • Once cool enough to handle, fill a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip or a bismark tip with the strawberry mascarpone filling.
  • Insert the tip into the side of each doughnut and

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