You’re doing it all wrong. Here’s the right way to degrease, disinfect, and clean your dishwasher

The dishwasher, a quintessential apparatus in our culinary spaces, frequently escapes our attention regarding routine cleansing and upkeep. Many of us erroneously presume that dishwashers, by virtue of handling soap and scalding water, inherently self-clean. This assumption is far from accurate. Over intervals, remnants of food, grease, and mineral deposits can conglomerate within your dishwasher, leading to diminished efficacy and even noxious odors. Thus, habitual degreasing, disinfecting, and purging are imperative to ensure this pivotal appliance functions seamlessly.


You might surmise you already possess the knowledge to cleanse your dishwasher, but there’s a substantial probability you’re mistaken. This discourse is vital for anyone desiring peak performance from their dishwasher. By adhering to the steps delineated below, you’ll guarantee an extended lifespan for your appliance, improved meal flavors due to a pristine wash, and a more sanitary kitchen environment.


Step 1: Vacate the Dishwasher

  1. Ensure the dishwasher is entirely empty prior to commencing the cleaning process.
  2. Extract any detachable racks and utensil holders to gain unimpeded access to all components.

Step 2: Purge the Filter

  1. Identify the dishwasher filter, typically located at the appliance’s base.
  2. Remove it and rinse it under hot running water to eliminate entrapped food particles.
  3. Employ a soft brush to scrub away any tenacious debris.

Step 3: Degrease the Interior

  1. Position a dishwasher-safe bowl brimming with white vinegar on the top rack of the dishwasher.
  2. Execute a hot water cycle to facilitate the breakdown of grease and grime.
  3. Upon completion of the cycle, scatter a cup of baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher and initiate a brief hot water cycle to deodorize and scour the interior.

Step 4: Cleanse the Spray Arms

  1. Detach the spray arms if your dishwasher model permits.
  2. Utilize a toothpick or a small brush to unclog any apertures obstructed with debris.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under hot water.

Step 5: Disinfect the Door Seals

  1. Wipe down the door seals using a cloth soaked in a concoction of equal parts water and white vinegar.
  2. Pay particular attention to the edges and folds where mold and mildew are prone to develop.

Step 6: Final Rinse

  1. Run one last empty hot water cycle to ensure all cleaning agents and dislodged debris are washed away.

By executing these steps, you can assure that your dishwasher remains in pristine condition, delivering gleaming dishes with every wash. Routine maintenance not only prolongs the life of your appliance but also fosters a healthier kitchen environment. Happy cleaning!


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