We discovered this dish at a local restaurant, and since then, we couldn’t get over it

Welcome to the world of baking perfection with our Moist Pineapple Cake recipe. Follow this comprehensive guide to create a tropical delight that will elevate your dessert game. The combination of crushed pineapples, all-purpose flour, and a touch of love results in a cake that is not only moist but bursting with flavor.



Ingredients Quantity
One can of crushed pineapples 1
All-purpose flour 1 1/2 cups
Sugar 1 cup
Eggs 2
Vegetable oil 1/2 cup
Baking soda 1 teaspoon
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
Salt Pinch

Baking Instructions

Follow these simple steps to bring your Moist Pineapple Cake to life:


  1. Preheat your oven: Set it to 350°F (175°C) to create the perfect baking environment.
  2. Mix dry ingredients: In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt.
  3. Incorporate eggs: Add the eggs to the mixture and stir until well combined.
  4. Add wet ingredients: Introduce the oil, pineapple, and vanilla extract. Stir until fully mixed.
  5. Pour into casserole dish: Transfer the batter into a casserole dish for even baking.
  6. Bake to perfection: Place the dish in the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  7. Cream cheese icing: Once cooled, spread the cream cheese icing over the top.
  8. Garnish and serve: If desired, add shredded coconut for an extra touch. Serve and enjoy!

Cream Cheese Icing Magic

Enhance the moistness of your cake with this delightful Cream Cheese Icing. Here’s how you make it:


Ingredients Quantity
Cream cheese 4 ounces
Butter, softened 1/4 cup
Powdered sugar 2 cups
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon


  1. Blend cream cheese and butter: In a bowl, combine the cream cheese and softened butter.
  2. Gradually add powdered sugar: Stir in the powdered sugar gradually until completely mixed.
  3. Add vanilla extract: Introduce the vanilla extract and stir until smooth and creamy.
  4. Ready to use: Use immediately or refrigerate until ready to spread on your cake.

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