The secret to making the best homemade pastry cream

Indulge in the art of creating exquisite pastry cream with our foolproof recipe. Dive into the details of each ingredient and step, ensuring your culinary journey results in the best homemade pastry cream.



Ingredients Quantity
Milk 500 ml
Stevia Sweetener 50 g (or 100 g of sugar)
Cornstarch 40 g
Yolks 4
Zest of 1 lemon
Vanilla pod 1


  1. Freeze Container or Mold: Chill a container or mold in the freezer for a few minutes.
  2. Yolk Mixture: In a saucepan, combine yolks with Stevia or sugar, stirring until well-mixed.
  3. Add Cornstarch: Gradually add cornstarch, mixing carefully to avoid lumps.
  4. Infuse Flavor: Heat milk with lemon zest and a vanilla pod. Remove lemon peel and vanilla pod after boiling.
  5. Combine Mixtures: Pour flavored milk into the yolk mixture, stirring manually over moderate heat until thickened.
  6. Cool and Set: Transfer mixture to a pre-chilled mold, cool, and stir. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours.
  7. Serve: Stir before use to restore creaminess. Use in desserts as desired.

Pro Tips for Perfection

  • Substitute for Cornstarch: Rice starch can replace cornstarch, depending on your preferred creaminess.
  • The Power of Lemon: Use the yellow part of the lemon peel for optimal flavor without bitterness.

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