Spanish-Style Chicken with Vegetable Bake

A friend from Spain taught us how to cook this delicious chicken, and the secret is in the sauce. This recipe combines a flavorful seasoning paste with a variety of vegetables to create a hearty and satisfying meal. Follow these detailed steps to create a mouthwatering dish that’s sure to impress.



Ingredient Quantity
Whole Chicken 1
Salt 1 tablespoon
Sweet Paprika 1 tablespoon
Garlic Powder 2 tablespoons
Oregano 1 teaspoon
Black Pepper To taste
Medium Onions 2
Green Bell Pepper 1
Red Bell Pepper 1/2
Tomatoes 2
Parsley To taste
Olive Oil 2 tablespoons
Garlic Cloves 6
Zucchini 1
Unpeeled Potatoes 4
Carrot 1
Pinch of Salt

Preparing the Chicken

Cut the Chicken: Start by cutting one whole chicken into pieces. This ensures even cooking and makes it easier to manage the portions.


Season the Chicken: In a large bowl, add 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of sweet paprika, 2 tablespoons of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of oregano, and black pepper to taste. Mix these dry seasonings together.


Coat the Chicken: Spread the dry seasoning mixture evenly over the chicken pieces, ensuring that all sides are well-coated.

Preparing the Seasoning Paste

Blend the Vegetables: In a food processor, add two medium onions, one green bell pepper, 1/2 red bell pepper, two tomatoes, parsley to taste, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and six garlic cloves. Blend until the mixture forms a smooth paste.

Add Paste to Chicken: Spread 4 tablespoons of the seasoning paste over the chicken pieces. Massage the paste into the chicken to ensure even coverage.

Preparing the Vegetables

Chop the Vegetables: In a large bowl, chop one zucchini, four unpeeled potatoes, and one carrot into bite-sized pieces. This adds a variety of textures and flavors to the dish.

Season the Vegetables: Add 5 tablespoons of the seasoning paste and a pinch of salt to the vegetables. Mix well to coat the vegetables evenly with the paste.

Baking the Dish

Prepare the Baking Sheet: Transfer the seasoned vegetables to a large baking sheet, spreading them out in an even layer.

Add the Chicken: Place the seasoned chicken pieces on top of the vegetables. This allows the juices from the chicken to drip down and flavor the vegetables as they cook.

Bake: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 45 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are tender. Check the internal temperature of the chicken; it should reach 165°F (75°C).

Grill Finish: For a crispy finish, turn on the broiler for the last 5-10 minutes of cooking. This will give the chicken and vegetables a nice golden brown color.


Serve and Enjoy: Once the chicken and vegetables are cooked, remove the baking sheet from the oven. Let it rest for a few minutes before serving. This dish pairs well with a side salad or crusty bread to soak up the flavorful juices.

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