Nicole Kidman’s honest words about her failed marriage with Tom Cruise

Nicole Kidman, the accomplished Australian actress, has opened up more about her high-profile marriage and subsequent divorce from Tom Cruise.



A Whirlwind Romance and Hollywood Royalty


Their journey began in 1990 when they met filming “Days of Thunder.” Cruise, already a superstar, was captivated by Kidman’s talent. Their on-screen chemistry sparked a real-life romance, captivating audiences.

Kidman admitted she was swept off her feet: “I fell madly, passionately in love. And as happens when you fall in love, my whole plan in terms of what I wanted for my life—I was like, ‘Forget it. This is it.'”

They married on Christmas Eve 1990 in a private ceremony. Kidman, eager for a family, sadly suffered an ectopic pregnancy. Together, they adopted daughter Isabella and son Connor, but their paths diverged over time.

Growing Apart and a Shocking Split

Kidman acknowledged a growing distance from her adopted children, likely influenced by Scientology, Cruise’s religion. Despite the challenges, she remains devoted to her children, stating, “I know 150 percent that I would give up my life for my children because it’s what my purpose is.”

The couple’s seemingly perfect Hollywood union ended abruptly in 2001 with Cruise citing irreconcilable differences. The news sent shockwaves through the industry, with tabloids swirling with speculation. Kidman, ever gracious, has maintained a respectful stance towards Cruise, even admitting lingering affection: “He was huge; still is. To me, he was just Tom, but to everybody else, he is huge. But he was lovely to me and I loved him. I still love him.”

Healing and Moving Forward

The intense media scrutiny following the divorce was difficult for Kidman. “I was young. I think I offered it up?” she reflected. She has since learned to navigate fame while staying true to herself: “I’m wary at times, and I’ve been hurt, but at the same time I much prefer a warm approach rather than a prickly shutdown approach.”

Now happily married to Keith Urban, Kidman continues to act with passion and openness. Her journey, with its share of challenges and triumphs, is an inspiration.

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