“My father was such a big fan of this dish! He went back for thirds.”

Stuffed cabbage rolls are a classic comfort food enjoyed in many cultures around the world. This recipe offers a delicious and easy-to-follow guide for creating these savory parcels filled with seasoned ground meat and rice, simmered in a rich tomato sauce.


Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients (in a table) and step-by-step instructions for making these delightful stuffed cabbage rolls:



Ingredient Quantity
Large Green Cabbage Leaves 12
Ground Beef (or mix of beef and pork) 1 lb
Cooked White Rice 1 cup
Medium Onion (finely chopped) 1
Garlic Clove (minced) 1
Egg 1
Salt 1 teaspoon
Black Pepper ½ teaspoon
Paprika ¼ teaspoon
Tomato Sauce 2 cups
Beef or Chicken Broth 1 cup
Olive Oil or Butter 1 tablespoon
Sugar (optional) 1 tablespoon
Fresh Parsley (for garnishing) To taste


  1. Prep the Cabbage Leaves:

    • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
    • Carefully remove the outer leaves of the cabbage.
    • Once the water is boiling, blanch the cabbage leaves for 2-3 minutes, or until they are pliable and easier to roll.
    • Drain the blanched cabbage leaves and set them aside.
  2. Make the Filling:

    • In a large bowl, combine the ground beef (or meat mixture), cooked rice, chopped onion, minced garlic, egg, salt, pepper, and paprika.
    • Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly until well incorporated.
  3. Assemble the Rolls:

    • Lay a single, blanched cabbage leaf flat on a cutting board.
    • Place approximately 2 tablespoons of the filling mixture near the stem end of the leaf.
    • Fold the sides of the leaf inwards over the filling.
    • Carefully roll up the cabbage leaf tightly, enclosing the filling.
    • Repeat this process with the remaining cabbage leaves and filling mixture.
  4. Simmer the Cabbage Rolls:

    • Heat olive oil or butter over medium heat in a large skillet or pot.
    • Once hot, carefully place the stuffed cabbage rolls seam-side down in the skillet.
    • Pour the tomato sauce and beef or chicken broth over the rolls, ensuring they are mostly submerged in the liquid.
    • If you prefer a sweeter sauce, add the optional tablespoon of sugar at this point.
    • Bring the sauce to a simmer, then reduce the heat to low.
    • Cover the pot or skillet and simmer the cabbage rolls for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Baste the rolls with the sauce occasionally throughout the cooking process.
  5. Serve and Enjoy:

    • Once cooked through, transfer the cabbage rolls to serving plates.
    • Spoon some of the flavorful sauce over the rolls.
    • Garnish with fresh parsley for a touch of color and flavor.
    • Serve with a side of mashed potatoes, crusty bread, or your favorite accompaniment for a complete and comforting meal.

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