Don’t laugh, but I’m totally hooked on this amazing dish

This decadent French toast is a delightful twist on the classic breakfast dish. The creamy custard base and caramelized sugar topping create a luxurious and unforgettable experience.



Ingredient Quantity
Thick Brioche or Challah Bread 4 slices
Heavy Cream 1 1/2 cups
Milk 1/2 cup
Egg Yolks 4 large
Granulated Sugar 1/4 cup + additional for caramelizing
Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon
Salt Pinch
Unsalted Butter 4 tablespoons


  1. Make custard base: In a saucepan, heat heavy cream and milk until simmering. In a separate bowl, whisk together egg yolks, sugar, vanilla, and salt. Slowly pour hot cream mixture into egg yolk mixture, whisking continuously.
  2. Soak bread: Place bread slices in a shallow dish and pour custard mixture over them. Let soak for 10-15 minutes, turning halfway through.
  3. Fry French toast: Heat butter in a skillet over medium heat. Cook soaked bread slices until golden brown on both sides, about 3-4 minutes per side.
  4. Caramelize sugar: Sprinkle a thin layer of sugar over each cooked French toast slice. Use a kitchen torch or broiler to melt sugar until caramelized.
  5. Serve: Serve warm with powdered sugar, fresh berries, or maple syrup.

Enjoy this delicious and indulgent breakfast treat!


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