Brazilian Flan Recipe

Brazilian Flan, also known as Pudim de Leite Condensado, is a traditional dessert that has captured the hearts of many. This luscious, creamy dessert is a staple in Brazilian households and a symbol of comfort and celebration. With its smooth texture and rich caramel topping, Brazilian flan is more than just a dessert—it’s an experience. Whether you’re preparing it for a special occasion or simply to satisfy a sweet craving, this recipe will guide you through creating the perfect Brazilian flan that is sure to impress.


Ingredients: The Building Blocks of Flavor

To make an authentic Brazilian flan, you’ll need only a few simple ingredients. The magic lies in the way these ingredients come together to create something truly special. Below is a list of the ingredients you’ll need, broken down into two main parts: the caramel and the flan mixture.


For the Caramel:

Ingredient Amount
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Water 1/2 cup

For the Flan:

Ingredient Amount
Sweetened condensed milk 2 cans (14 oz each)
Whole milk 2 cups
Large eggs 4
Vanilla extract (optional) 1 teaspoon

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Brazilian Flan

Step 1: Preparing the Caramel

The first step in making a Brazilian flan is to prepare the caramel that will coat the bottom of the flan mold. This caramel adds a rich, sweet layer that perfectly complements the creamy flan.


  1. Make the Caramel:
    In a medium saucepan, combine the granulated sugar and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves completely. Once the sugar has dissolved, stop stirring and allow the mixture to simmer. This process will turn the sugar into caramel. Swirl the pan occasionally to ensure even cooking, but avoid stirring, as this can cause the sugar to crystallize.
  2. Achieving the Perfect Caramel Color:
    Continue cooking the sugar and water mixture until it turns a deep amber color. This is the perfect caramelization point, offering a balance between sweetness and slight bitterness that enhances the overall flavor of the flan.
  3. Coating the Flan Mold:
    Carefully pour the hot caramel into a lightly greased bundt pan or flan mold. Tilt the pan to evenly coat the bottom and sides with caramel. Be extremely cautious during this step, as the caramel will be very hot. Set the pan aside to allow the caramel to cool and harden.

Step 2: Preparing the Flan Mixture

Once the caramel has been prepared and set, the next step is to create the flan mixture. This mixture is what gives Brazilian flan its signature creamy texture.

  1. Blend the Ingredients:
    In a blender, combine the sweetened condensed milk, whole milk, eggs, and vanilla extract (if using). Blend on medium speed until the mixture is smooth and well combined. The blending process ensures that the ingredients are fully incorporated, which is crucial for achieving a smooth, creamy texture in the final product.
  2. Alternative Mixing Method:
    If you do not have a blender, you can use a large mixing bowl and a hand mixer or whisk to combine the ingredients. While a blender is ideal for ensuring a completely smooth mixture, hand mixing can work as long as you whisk thoroughly to avoid any lumps.
  3. Pouring the Mixture:
    Once the flan mixture is ready, carefully pour it over the cooled caramel in the bundt pan or flan mold. The mixture should be poured slowly and evenly to avoid disturbing the caramel layer.

Step 3: Baking the Flan

Baking the flan requires a bit of patience and care, but the result is well worth the effort. The key to a perfect Brazilian flan is to bake it slowly and evenly, which is achieved through the use of a water bath.

  1. Prepare the Water Bath:
    Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Place the flan mold inside a larger baking dish. Fill the larger dish with hot water until it reaches halfway up the sides of the flan mold. This water bath, also known as a bain-marie, helps the flan cook evenly and prevents it from cracking.
  2. Baking Time:
    Carefully transfer the water bath setup to the preheated oven. Bake the flan for 60 to 75 minutes. The flan is done when it is set but still slightly jiggly in the center. You can test this by inserting a knife into the center of the flan—if it comes out clean, the flan is ready.

Step 4: Cooling and Serving the Flan

After baking, the flan needs time to cool and set before it can be served. This step is crucial for achieving the perfect texture.

  1. Cool the Flan:
    Remove the flan from the water bath and allow it to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, cover the flan with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or preferably overnight. Refrigeration allows the flan to fully set and the flavors to develop.
  2. Unmolding the Flan:
    To unmold the flan, run a knife around the edges of the flan to loosen it from the mold. Place a large serving plate over the top of the mold and quickly invert it. Gently lift the mold to release the flan onto the plate. The caramel should cascade over the top of the flan, creating a beautiful and delicious sauce.
  3. Serving Suggestions:
    Brazilian flan is best served chilled, straight from the refrigerator. It can be enjoyed on its own, or with a dollop of whipped cream or fresh berries for added flavor and presentation.

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