Chocolate Banana Mousse

Unleash your culinary prowess with our exquisite Chocolate Banana Mousse recipe, blending the creaminess of milk, sweetness of bananas, and richness of chocolate. This delightful dessert is a treat for both the eyes and the palate, making it a must-try for any chocolate lover.



Ingredient Quantity
Milk 1 liter (4 cups)
Egg Yolks 2
Bananas 2
Sugar 1 cup
Flour 3 tablespoons
Starch 2 tablespoons
Cream 2 tablespoons
Milk Chocolate 80g
Cocoa Cookies


  1. Mash and Mix:
    • Pour 2 egg yolks over 2 ripe bananas and mash them together until smooth.
  2. Sweet Symphony:
    • Add 1 cup of sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour, 2 tablespoons of starch, and 1 liter of milk to the banana mixture. Mix well.
  3. The Cooking Alchemy:
    • Cook the mixture over medium heat until it thickens. Introduce 80g of milk chocolate and 2 tablespoons of cream. Stir until well combined.
  4. Set and Chill:
    • Gently pour the mixture into glasses and let it cool in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  5. Finishing Touch:
    • Before serving, crumble cocoa cookies and sprinkle them over the banana mousse.
  6. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Your delicious Chocolate Banana Mousse is ready to be savored! Enjoy the delightful combination of flavors.

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