Why You Need to Start Doing This: Boil Garlic in Milk

Boiling garlic in milk might seem odd, but this age-old remedy from traditional medicine combines garlic’s health benefits with milk’s soothing properties. Here’s why this unique mixture is worth adding to your health routine.


1. Fights Cold and Flu:

How it works:

Garlic’s allicin becomes more bioavailable when boiled in milk, enhancing its antimicrobial and antiviral capabilities.



Regular intake can lessen the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms.


Adding garlic to milk creates a powerful combination that boosts the immune system, helping to ward off cold and flu viruses effectively. The allicin in garlic, a natural compound with potent antimicrobial properties, works synergistically with the soothing properties of milk. Regular consumption has been shown to reduce both the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms.

2. Eases Asthma Symptoms:

How it works:

Garlic’s anti-inflammatory qualities can reduce airway inflammation.


Asthmatics may find relief from wheezing and breathlessness.

For individuals struggling with asthma, incorporating boiled garlic in milk into their daily routine can provide much-needed relief. Garlic’s anti-inflammatory qualities target airway inflammation, potentially reducing the frequency and intensity of asthma symptoms. This natural remedy, backed by traditional medicine, offers a holistic approach to managing respiratory conditions.

3. Alleviates Insomnia:

How it works:

Milk’s tryptophan and garlic’s relaxing effects aid sleep.


Drinking garlic milk before bed can improve sleep quality.

Suffering from insomnia? Boiling garlic in milk might be the solution you need. The combination of milk’s tryptophan, known for its sleep-inducing properties, and garlic’s relaxing effects creates a bedtime elixir. Consuming garlic milk before sleep has shown positive results in improving sleep quality, helping individuals achieve a more restful and rejuvenating night.

4. Enhances Digestion:

How it works:

Garlic stimulates digestion, while milk eases stomach irritation.


Helps with digestive issues like bloating and constipation.

If you struggle with digestive issues, consider incorporating boiled garlic in milk into your daily routine. Garlic stimulates digestion, promoting a healthy gut, while milk’s soothing properties ease stomach irritation. This combination can be particularly helpful in alleviating common digestive problems such as bloating and constipation.

5. Supports Heart Health:

How it works:

Garlic compounds dilate blood vessels and improve circulation.


Frequent consumption can lead to better heart health.

Taking care of your heart is crucial, and boiled garlic in milk can be a simple yet effective addition to your heart health routine. The compounds in garlic dilate blood vessels and enhance circulation, contributing to overall cardiovascular well-being. Regular consumption may lead to improved heart health and a lower risk of cardiovascular issues.

6. Boosts Bone Health:

How it works:

Garlic increases estrogen in women, benefiting bones, while milk offers calcium.


Strengthens and maintains healthy bones.

For women looking to support their bone health, boiled garlic in milk provides a natural solution. Garlic’s ability to increase estrogen levels, combined with the calcium content in milk, contributes to stronger and healthier bones. Regular consumption can be especially beneficial for women in maintaining bone density as they age.



A few garlic cloves and about one cup of milk.


Crush garlic, add to milk, boil, then cool to drinkable temperature.

Incorporating boiled garlic in milk into your daily routine is simple. All you need is a few garlic cloves and a cup of milk. Crush the garlic, add it to the milk, boil the mixture, and let it cool to a drinkable temperature. This preparation method ensures that you get the maximum benefits from both the garlic and the milk.

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