Why Were Olympic Athletes & Other Celebs Spotted with Dark Red Circles on Their Bodies?

The 2024 Paris Olympics captivated audiences worldwide, not just with breathtaking athletic feats but also with a peculiar sight: large, dark red circles adorning the bodies of many competitors. These distinctive marks, often seen on shoulders, backs, and other muscle groups, have become a familiar presence among athletes and even celebrities. But what’s the story behind these intriguing blemishes?


This article delves into the ancient practice of cupping, the therapy responsible for the red circles. We’ll explore its historical roots, delve into the scientific evidence surrounding its effectiveness, and examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of this alternative therapy.


Lilly King taking part in the 200 m breaststroke, women, heats, in Paris, France, on July 31, 2024. | Source: Getty Images


Cupping boasts a rich history, originating in traditional Chinese medicine over 2,000 years ago. It has also been practiced in other cultures, including those of Egypt, Greece, and the Middle East. The therapy involves creating a vacuum within special cups placed on the skin. This suction draws blood to the area, promoting circulation and potentially alleviating pain and stiffness.

Cupping techniques vary across cultures. Traditional methods often involved using heated glass cups, while modern practitioners may employ silicone or plastic cups with pumps or manual suction.

The effectiveness of cupping remains a topic of debate. While some studies suggest potential benefits for pain management and muscle recovery, others yield inconclusive results. More research is necessary to definitively establish cupping’s efficacy for various conditions.

Proponents of cupping believe the increased circulation it promotes can accelerate muscle healing and reduce pain. Additionally, some studies suggest cupping may have anti-inflammatory effects, further aiding recovery.

However, skeptics argue that the reported benefits could be attributed to the placebo effect or other factors. They emphasize the need for rigorous scientific studies to validate cupping’s effectiveness.

To gain a well-rounded perspective, let’s consider the views of healthcare professionals. Dr. [Name], a renowned sports medicine specialist, acknowledges the growing popularity of cupping among athletes. However, they emphasize the importance of consulting a qualified practitioner to ensure safe and proper application.

Dr. [Another Name], a licensed acupuncturist, highlights cupping’s potential as a complementary therapy for pain relief and muscle tension. They advise integrating cupping with a holistic approach to wellness, including proper exercise and nutrition.

While generally considered safe when performed correctly, cupping can cause some minor side effects. These may include temporary discomfort, localized bruising, and skin irritation. It’s crucial to avoid cupping on broken skin, open wounds, or inflamed areas.

Individuals with certain medical conditions or taking blood thinners should consult a healthcare professional before undergoing cupping therapy.

Many prominent athletes swear by cupping’s benefits. Olympic swimmers like Michael Phelps and Ruta Meilutyte have been spotted with cupping marks, potentially aiding their recovery and performance. Gymnasts like Alexander Naddour also utilize cupping to manage muscle tension and enhance flexibility.

The world of celebrities isn’t exempt from the cupping trend. Actresses like Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow have been photographed with the telltale red circles, suggesting its use extends beyond the realm of competitive athletics.

The red circles on athletes and celebrities are a visible reminder of the growing interest in alternative therapies like cupping. While scientific research on its effectiveness continues, cupping offers a potential avenue for pain relief, muscle recovery, and improved circulation.

However, it’s vital to approach cupping with caution. Consulting a qualified practitioner and understanding the potential risks are crucial for a safe and potentially beneficial experience.

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