Why some people have an ‘M’ on their palm

Have you ever inspected your palms and wondered what all those lines mean?


If you ask a palm reader, you’ll learn that each line has a specific meaning. And if those little tracks connect and create the letter M, you’re part of less than 2% of the population, including Meghan Markle, Hillary Clinton and Robert De Niro, who are an extraordinary force in the world.


Keep reading to learn the meaning of this letter on your palm!


Like fingerprints, the lines you find on your palms are unlike the patterns you’ll see on anyone else.

And the unique markings are believed to reveal insights about a person’s character and potential life experiences.

Palmistry, considered to be more of an art than a science, is the practice of interpreting the lines, shapes, and features of the hands, particularly the palms.

The major lines don’t predict the future, instead they can provide details into the quality of life.

Here are the major lines and their meanings:

  • Heart Line: Reflects emotional well-being and relationships. Its shape can indicate how one approaches love and intimacy.
  • Head Line: Represents intellect, thought processes, and decision-making. The length and curve can suggest analytical abilities or creativity.
  • Life Line: Often mistaken as an indicator of lifespan, it actually reflects vitality and general life experiences. It curves around the base of the thumb.
  • Fate Line: Indicates life path, career, and destiny. A strong fate line may suggest a defined purpose, while its absence or faintness can imply flexibility in life choices.
  • Sun Line: Associated with fame, creativity, and success. A clear sun line can indicate recognition and artistic talent.

If the heart and head lines merge and form the letter M, palm readers claim it indicates that you’re very gifted and special.

In palmistry, an M reveals that a person has exceptional intuition, insight, and potential for leadership.

Also known as the Simian line, it’s considered a sign of a strong personality and suggests a person has the ability to overcome obstacles with determination.

It also means that an individual tends to be great judge of character, a human lie detector who can easily spot a con.

And, only 1 to 2% of the population has this distinctive marking on their palms.

Here’s what it means if you see the Simian line on your hand:

  • Intuition and Insight: People with an M are often believed to have strong intuitive abilities and may be good at reading situations and people.
  • Leadership Qualities: It can suggest a natural tendency toward leadership and the ability to inspire others.
  • Balanced Personality: It might indicate a balance between intellect (head line) and emotions (heart line), allowing for thoughtful decision-making.
  • Potential for Success: Many palmists claim the M as the sign of potential success in various life aspects, including career and relationships.

It’s also important to note that the M needs to appear on the hand you don’t use for manual tasks, like writing. So, it’s believed that for right-handed people, the lines on your left-hand indicates positive character traits and gifts.

If the lines appear on your dominant hand, you’re out of luck.

Markle’s palms

Speaking with Hello! palm reader Gary Markwick explains that people with the Simian lines are “quite highly sensitive.”

“They’re very focused, they’re head on, they’re going to get what they want normally. But sometimes they have tunnel vision in what they’re trying to achieve and they’re not always looking around to see who’s around or what’s happening,” he says.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, Credit: Shutterstock

Next, referring to Meghan Markle, who has an M on both of her hands, Markwick adds, “Some people just have a touch of that line, but Meghan has a Simian line on each hand…so it’s a double whammy. She could do great things.”

Among her several other achievements, the Duchess of Sussex is an actor, an author, an advocate of social justice, and co-founded Archewell with her husband Prince Harry.

What do you see on your palm? Please share this story so we can hear what others have to say!

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