This is why you should start consuming frozen lemons

Many discard lemon peels, unaware of their rich nutrients. This article explores the advantages of preserving lemon peel through freezing. Discover the benefits for the immune system, liver health, and weight loss. Get ready to incorporate frozen lemons into your routine for a healthier life.


Get Organically Grown Lemons

When opting for frozen lemons, start with organically grown ones. This ensures the absence of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, safeguarding your health.


Freeze Whole Lemons

  1. Place organically grown lemons in a tightly closed freezer bag.
  2. Seal the bag and put it in the freezer.
  3. Enjoy the benefits of frozen whole lemons in various culinary applications.

Freeze Lemon Juice

  1. Juice the citrus fruits, setting the zest aside.
  2. Pour the juices into small ice cube molds.
  3. Place the molds in a freezer bag and freeze.
  4. Grate the lemon zest separately and freeze in a bag.
  • Incorporate in Cooking

Whether adding whole frozen lemons or grated zest, enhance your dishes with the goodness of lemons. Sprinkle zest on salads or mix it with juices for a burst of flavor and nutrition.


  • Protects and Strengthens the Immune System

Frozen lemon therapy is a powerful tool against daily diseases like colds and infections. Unlike lemon peel infusions that lose over 40% of properties, freezing retains all virtues for easy consumption.

  • It Takes Care of the Liver

Lemon, containing flavonoids, becomes a true ally for the liver. Essential for metabolic functions, lemon juice benefits the liver and prevents alcohol-induced damage.

  • Helps You Lose Weight

Rich in dietary fiber and polyphenols, lemon fights body fat accumulation and prevents overweight. Scientific experiments on obese rodents demonstrate the reduction of adipose tissue and regulation of blood sugar levels.

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