This classic dish is a staple at all my family gatherings

Southern Potato Salad is a beloved dish that brings a burst of flavor to any gathering. In this article, we’ll explore the timeless recipe, providing detailed instructions, personal insights, and answering common questions about this delectable side dish.



Ingredient Quantity
Russet Potatoes 3 lbs
Mayonnaise 1 cup (adjusted to taste)
Dijon Mustard ¼ portion
Apple Cider Vinegar 2 teaspoons
Sugar 2 teaspoons
Sweet Pickles ½ cup
Celery 1 stalk, chopped
Onion 1 medium-sized, finely chopped
Hard-Boiled Eggs 4, chopped


1. Boiling the Potatoes

  • Take a large pot and fill it with water.
  • Place the russet potatoes in the pot and heat until boiled.
  • Let the potatoes cook until they are easily pierced with a knife.

2. Rapid Cooling

  • Once the potatoes are fully cooked, transfer them to a bowl filled with ice water.
  • Allow them to rapidly cool down.

3. Prepping the Potatoes

  • After the potatoes have cooled, remove the skin and cut them into large chunks.

4. Creating the Dressing

  • In a separate bowl, combine the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, and sugar.
  • Mix the ingredients together thoroughly.

5. Assembling the Salad

  • Pour the dressing mixture over the potatoes.
  • Add the sweet pickles, chopped celery, onion, and the 4 hard-boiled and chopped eggs.

6. Seasoning

  • Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste.

7. Thorough Mixing

  • Thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until well-combined.

8. Decorating (Optional)

  • If desired, decorate the top of the salad with more hard-boiled egg slices.

9. Ready to Enjoy!

  • Your Southern Potato Salad is now ready to be enjoyed!

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