This chicken pot pie noodle dish is so good, we eat it every week in my family

Savoring a delightful meal doesn’t always require elaborate preparation. Enter the Chicken Pot Pie Noodle Skillet—a savory fusion of flavors and textures that will tantalize your taste buds. In this article, we’ll explore the step-by-step process of creating this culinary masterpiece, ensuring a satisfying experience for both novice and seasoned cooks.



Ingredients Quantities
Cooked chicken breast, cut into small cubes 1 1/2 cups
Unsalted butter 2 tablespoons
Diced onion 1
Minced cloves of garlic 3
Thawed frozen peas and carrots 1 1/2 cups
All-purpose flour 2 tablespoons
Chicken broth 1 cup
Italian seasoning 2 teaspoons
Heavy cream 1 cup
Egg noodles 10 ounces
Salt and pepper To taste


  1. Cooking the Egg Noodles Start by cooking the egg noodles according to the package instructions. Once cooked, drain and set them aside.
  2. Melting the Butter In a large skillet, melt the unsalted butter over medium heat, creating a luscious base for our skillet adventure.
  3. Sautéing the Aromatics Introduce diced onions and minced garlic to the skillet, sautéing them until the onions achieve a translucent golden hue.
  4. Infusing Italian Flavors Stir in the Italian seasoning, adding a burst of aromatic flavors to the mix. Toss in the thawed peas and carrots, cooking them for a few minutes.
  5. Creating the Roux Sprinkle the all-purpose flour over the vegetables, mixing vigorously to form a roux—a thickening agent that elevates the dish’s texture.
  6. Building the Creamy Base Pour in the chicken broth and heavy cream, stirring continuously until a luscious, velvety sauce emerges.
  7. Incorporating Chicken Magic Add the cooked chicken breast cubes to the skillet, ensuring a harmonious marriage of flavors as they meld together.
  8. Seasoning to Perfection Season the concoction with salt and pepper to taste, allowing the flavors to reach their full potential.
  9. Tossing in the Noodles Finally, add the cooked egg noodles to the skillet, tossing everything together until the noodles are thoroughly coated in the delectable sauce.
  10. Serving the Delight Dish out your creation hot, and relish in the delight of your Chicken Pot Pie Noodle Skillet—a culinary triumph!

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