Super Macio Bolinho with Sequinho de Chuva

Prepare yourself to be swept away by a symphony of delightful aromas and flavors that evoke nostalgic memories. Our culinary escapade today will lead us into the heart of a beloved classic: the moist and fluffy raindrop cake.


This isn’t merely a recipe; it’s an invitation to unlock the enchantment of cooking by transforming everyday ingredients into a delicacy that transcends time.


Unveiling the Charm of Simple Ingredients

The alchemy of crafting a delectable dessert lies within the simplicity of its core ingredients – eggs, sugar, milk, corn flour, and yeast for leavening.


What appears to be an ordinary amalgamation will metamorphose into a light and airy batter, poised to steal the spotlight at any afternoon gathering.

Crafting the Dough: A Ritual of Precision

To commence our journey, we embark on the sacred ritual of dough preparation. Before achieving the perfect balance of sweetness and texture, precision is paramount in blending the eggs with sugar.

Gently introduce room temperature milk, followed by a gradual addition of wheat flour, where patience is key to attaining the desired consistency. Elevated to celestial softness, the addition of baking powder is the pinnacle of this concoction.

The Dance of Frying: Transforming Dough into Golden Bliss

As we progress to the frying stage, witness how the dough balls dance gracefully in the sizzling oil.

The dough portions, molded by two spoons, transmute into golden and irresistible treats upon encountering the heat of the oil, becoming vessels of culinary creativity.

The spectacle unfolds as most balls gracefully turn on their own, while a few require delicate intervention to ensure a flawless golden hue.

Finishing Flourish – Sugar and Cinnamon Infusion (Optional)

For those seeking an elevated sensory experience, we offer an optional finishing flourish: a blend of sugar and cinnamon.

Each freshly fried cake has the opportunity to be enrobed in this irresistible mixture, imparting an additional layer of flavor and aroma.

The Culinary Epiphany: Sensory Delight in Every Bite

Before partaking in this culinary delight, the true essence of our gastronomic journey unfolds during the final tasting.

Experience the velvety texture and explosion of flavors that only a perfect blend of ingredients can offer in every warm raindrop cake.

Eating transcends mere sustenance; it’s a sensorial ritual that transports us to realms of joy and comfort.

Ingredient List:

Ingredient Quantity
Two eggs
Sugar 1/2 cup (240 ml)
Milk (room temperature) 1 cup
Rice flour 2.5 tablespoons
Leavening agent 1 cup

Culinary Method:

  1. Beat the eggs and sugar in a bowl until smooth.
  2. Gradually add the room temperature milk, mixing well.
  3. Slowly incorporate the flour, ensuring a homogeneous mixture.
  4. Activate the leavening agent in water until desired consistency is achieved.
  5. Frying the Cakes: Preheat the oil to the appropriate temperature.
  6. Gently place small portions of the dough into the hot oil using two spoons of equal size.
  7. Ensure even frying by observing the cakes’ autonomous rotation, maintaining focus throughout.
  8. Final Fryer Product: Drain excess oil by placing the cakes on parchment paper.

Optional: Sweet Symphony of Sugar and Cinnamon

  • Combine one cup of sugar with a dash of cinnamon.
  • Enhance each cake’s flavor by coating them in this aromatic mixture.

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