Soft Brioche

Embark on a delightful culinary journey as we explore the intricacies of crafting the perfect Soft Brioche. This article unveils the secrets to achieving a pillowy texture and irresistible flavor. Join us in creating a masterpiece from scratch!



Ingredients quantity
All-purpose flour 380 g (3 cups)
Cornstarch 20 g (3 tablespoons)
Butter 40 g (3 tablespoons)
Sugar 50 g (⅝ cup)
Egg 1
Salt 7 g (1 teaspoon)
Dry yeast 7 g (1 ½ tsp)
Hot milk 150 ml (⅔ cup)
Vegetable oil 40 ml (3 tablespoons)
Melted butter, sesame seeds As needed


  1. Prepare the Flour Mix
    • Whisk flour with cornstarch, salt, and baking powder.
  2. Creating the Dough
    • Incorporate melted butter, milk, oil, egg, and sugar into the flour mixture.
    • Knead until you achieve a smooth dough.
  3. Let It Rise
    • Reserve the dough for 1 hour, allowing it to rise and develop its unique texture.
  4. Shape and Flavor
    • Cut the dough into pieces and roll them into balls.
    • Flatten each ball into a disc, covering half with melted butter and sesame seeds.
  5. Assemble and Rise Again
    • Roll out the discs, overlapping them, and leave to rise for another hour.
  6. Golden Perfection
    • Brush with egg yolk and bake at 180°C/350°F for 25 minutes.

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