Recipe from the restaurant…This is the tastiest chicken breast I’ve ever eaten

Stuffed chicken breast is a versatile dish that combines the lean protein of chicken with a flavorful filling, creating a delicious and satisfying meal. Whether you’re cooking for a family dinner or entertaining guests, stuffed chicken breast is sure to impress with its presentation and taste.



Ingredients Quantity
Chicken breasts 3
Salt To taste
Pepper To taste
Dry garlic To taste
Champignons, sliced
Garlic cloves, minced 3
Tomato, cubed
Cheese, grated
Dill, sliced
Frying oil
Sour cream 3 tablespoons
French mustard 1 teaspoon

Easy Avocado Salad:


Ingredients Quantity
Avocado, cubed
Tomato, sliced
Cucumber, sliced
Red onion, chopped
Lovage, chopped
Lemon juice Juice of ½ lemon
Salt To taste
Pepper To taste
Olive oil


Stuffed Chicken Breast:


  1. Prepare the Chicken: Cut each chicken breast horizontally to create a pocket. Carefully beat the chicken breasts to flatten them slightly. Season both sides with salt, pepper, and dry garlic.
  2. Prepare the Filling: In a skillet, sauté the sliced champignons until they are golden brown. Add minced garlic and cook for another minute. Remove from heat and stir in cubed tomatoes, grated cheese, sliced dill, and mayonnaise.
  3. Stuff the Chicken: Place a generous spoonful of the mushroom mixture into each chicken breast pocket. Secure the openings with toothpicks.
  4. Prepare the Sauce: In a small bowl, mix together sour cream and French mustard. Spread this mixture over the stuffed chicken breasts.
  5. Bake the Chicken: Preheat the oven to 360°F (180°C). Heat frying oil in an oven-safe skillet over medium heat. Brown the stuffed chicken breasts on both sides, then transfer the skillet to the oven. Bake for 40 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and golden brown.

Easy Avocado Salad:

  1. Prepare the Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine cubed avocado, sliced tomato, sliced cucumber, chopped red onion, and chopped lovage.
  2. Dress the Salad: Drizzle lemon juice over the salad and season with salt and pepper. Add a drizzle of olive oil and toss gently to coat all ingredients evenly.
  3. Serve: Serve the stuffed chicken breasts hot from the oven alongside the refreshing avocado salad for a complete and satisfying meal.

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