Quick and Easy Homemade Fresh Cheese – Ready in Just 15 Minutes!

Let’s embark on a delightful journey of crafting your very own fresh cheese in the comfort of your kitchen.



Ingredients Quantity
Whole Milk 1 liter
Lemon Juice or White Vinegar 3 tablespoons
Salt To taste
Cheesecloth or Fine Strainer
Large Pot


  1. Heat the Milk:
    • Pour the whole milk into a large pot.
    • Slowly heat it on the stove, bringing it to a near-boil just before it starts to bubble.
    • Stir occasionally to prevent burning.
  2. Add Lemon Juice or Vinegar:
    • Once the milk is hot, add the lemon juice or white vinegar.
    • Give it a gentle stir, and you’ll see the milk curdle almost immediately – this is the cheese beginning to form!
  3. Let it Sit:
    • Turn off the heat and let the pot sit for about 10 minutes.
    • During this time, the curds (solid parts) will separate from the whey (liquid part).
  4. Strain the Curds:
    • Line a colander with cheesecloth or use a fine strainer.
    • Gently pour the mixture through it. The curds that remain in the cheesecloth are your fresh cheese!
  5. Season Your Cheese:
    • Add a pinch of salt to the cheese or any other seasonings you fancy.
    • Mix gently to combine.
  6. Press and Cool:
    • For a firmer cheese, press the curds gently to remove more whey.
    • Let your cheese cool. You can use it immediately or store it in the refrigerator.

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