Put pork loin and apples in a slow cooker for this melt-in-your-mouth meal

When it comes to comfort food, few dishes can match the satisfaction of a perfectly slow-cooked pork loin with apples. This culinary masterpiece combines the savory richness of pork with the natural sweetness of apples, creating a harmony of flavors that will leave your taste buds singing. In this article, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of preparing this delightful meal. So, grab your slow cooker, and let’s get started!



Let’s begin with a comprehensive list of ingredients you’ll need for this savory creation:


Ingredients Quantity
3-4 lb. pork loin 1 piece
Apple, cored and sliced 1 large
Onion, finely sliced 1 medium
Honey To taste
Cinnamon 1 tablespoon
Salt 1 teaspoon


1. Preparing the Pork Loin

Begin by placing the pork loin in the slow cooker. Using a sharp knife, make horizontal slices about an inch apart. Be cautious while slicing, ensuring you cut only three-quarters of the way through the meat. This will create pockets for the delicious apple filling.


2. Stuffing with Apples

Next, it’s time to stuff those apple slices into the slits you’ve created in the pork loin. Push the slices in gently to ensure their sweet juices are infused into the meat, giving it a delightful flavor.

3. Adding Onions

Scatter the finely sliced onions on top and around the pork loin. The onions will add a subtle depth of flavor to the dish as they cook alongside the pork and apples.

4. Drizzling Honey and Spices

To enhance the sweetness of the dish, drizzle honey over the pork loin. Sprinkle a tablespoon of ground cinnamon and a teaspoon of salt evenly to season the meat and create a beautiful blend of flavors.

5. Slow Cooking

Cover your slow cooker and set it to cook for 3-4 hours on low heat. This slow and gentle cooking process will transform your ingredients into a melt-in-your-mouth masterpiece.


Can I use a different type of pork cut for this recipe? While pork loin is recommended for its tenderness, you can experiment with other cuts like pork shoulder. Keep in mind that cooking times may vary.

Is it necessary to peel the apple before slicing it? No, it’s not necessary to peel the apple. The skin adds extra flavor and texture to the dish.

Can I use brown sugar instead of honey? Yes, you can substitute brown sugar for honey if you prefer a slightly different sweetness profile.

What side dishes pair well with this pork loin and apple recipe? This dish pairs wonderfully with roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, or a simple green salad.

Can I prepare this recipe in an oven instead of a slow cooker? Absolutely! Preheat your oven to 325°F (160°C) and follow the same steps, but use an ovenproof dish with a lid. Bake for 2-3 hours, checking for doneness.

How can I ensure the pork loin is fully cooked? Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. It should reach 145°F (63°C) to ensure safe and delicious pork.

In conclusion, putting pork loin and apples in a slow cooker results in a mouthwatering meal that’s perfect for any occasion. This recipe combines the tenderness of slow-cooked pork with the natural sweetness of apples, creating a delightful harmony of flavors. Whether you’re cooking for your family or hosting a dinner party, this dish is sure to impress. So, fire up your slow cooker, follow our simple instructions, and treat yourself to a melt-in-your-mouth experience that will have everyone asking for seconds.

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