Off The Record Over 200 People Are…, But Almost 500 Million People Still Eat It

No doubt there are many foods in the world that would make you feel full very quickly, but you do not usually find those at the dinner table every night.Now let us talk about real food that a lot of people around the world eat. What is it?
As both a plant and a food, cassava is an important part of many people’s diets. Every year, 500 million people eat it, and hundreds of millions of tonnes are grown.
Cassava is a plant that grows naturally in South America. It is a famous food and a mainstay of many people’s diet, but it can be very dangerous.
You see, the plant’s stems, peel, and leaves are all poisonous and can make hydrogen cyanide, so they should not be eaten raw.
The World Health Organization (WHO) says that about 200 people die every year from eating poisoned cassava. This is why it is called the “world’s deadliest food.”
The World Health Organization (WHO) says: “Cassava tubers contain a varying quantity of cyanogenic glucosides which protect the root against attack by animals and insects. Appropriate processing before consumption can reduce cyanogenic glucoside content of cassava. When high cyanogenic cassava is not processed correctly, high dietary cyanide exposure occurs.
“This often happens during times of famine and war. Cyanide in cassava is associated with acute cyanide poisoning and several diseases including konzo.
“Konzo is an irreversible spastic paraparesis of sudden onset, associated with the consumption of bitter cassava 22, 23 and a low protein intake. It is a disease of extreme poverty. Konzo mostly occurs in epidemics, but sporadic cases are also reported.”
The plant has been called the “world’s deadliest food,” but a huge number of people eat it every day and are fine.
How can you make sure that cassava is as safe as it can be?
Well, getting ready is important. A big part of making cassava safe is getting the plant ready, which can mean soaking it for up to 24 hours.
People in Venezuela were dying because they were eating salty food to stay alive when there was not enough food, according to El Pais