My kids thought this looked ugly but they sure got quiet when they tasted it

Denver Pudding is a unique dessert that creates a delightful contrast of textures and flavors. A moist cake-like base topped with a rich, chocolate sauce, it’s a classic for a reason.



Ingredient Quantity
Unsweetened chocolate, chopped 1/2 cup (3 oz)
Unsalted butter, room temperature 5 tablespoons
Granulated sugar 1 1/3 cup, divided
All-purpose flour, sifted 1 cup
Baking powder 1/2 tablespoon
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Milk 1/2 cup
Vanilla extract 2 teaspoons, divided
Brown sugar, packed 1/2 cup
Dutch cocoa powder 4 tablespoons
Hot water 2 cups
Evaporated milk (optional) 1 cup


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Melt chocolate in microwave-safe dish in 30-second intervals, stirring between each.
  3. Combine melted chocolate, butter, and half the granulated sugar in a mixing bowl. Beat until light and fluffy.
  4. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into the chocolate mixture. Stir in milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla.
  5. Spoon batter into a greased 2-quart baking dish.
  6. In a separate bowl, combine cocoa powder and brown sugar. Sprinkle over batter.
  7. Combine remaining vanilla with hot water and pour evenly over the dry mixture.
  8. Bake for 45-55 minutes, or until the top begins to set. (Note: The pudding will still be quite wet in places.)
  9. Let cool for 15 minutes before serving.
  10. Serve in bowls, spooning the pudding and sauce together. Optionally, add a dollop of evaporated milk or whipped cream.

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