My grandma laughed at me for boiling potatoes for making mashed potatoes. Here’s her secret method instead

Potatoes are a staple in many households, and mashed potatoes, in particular, hold a special place in the hearts of many. However, the traditional method of boiling potatoes for making mashed potatoes may not always yield the best results. This article explores my grandma’s secret method for making the perfect mashed potatoes, which she insists is far superior to the conventional boiling technique.


Grandma’s Secret Method: The Overview

My grandma’s method for making mashed potatoes skips the boiling process altogether. Instead, she uses a steaming technique that retains the potatoes’ natural flavor and texture, resulting in creamier and more flavorful mashed potatoes.


Why Steaming Over Boiling?

Steaming potatoes prevents them from absorbing excess water, which can dilute their flavor and alter their texture. This method ensures that the potatoes remain fluffy and rich, providing a superior base for mashing.


Ingredients and Tools Needed

Essential Ingredients

Ingredient Quantity
Potatoes (Yukon Gold or Russet) 2 lbs
Butter 4 tbsp
Milk or Cream 1 cup
Salt To taste
Pepper To taste

Recommended Tools and Equipment

Tool Purpose
Steamer basket For steaming potatoes
Large pot To hold the steamer
Potato masher or ricer For mashing potatoes
Mixing bowl To combine ingredients
Measuring cups and spoons For precise measurements

Step-by-Step Guide to Grandma’s Mashed Potatoes

Preparation of Ingredients

  1. Selecting the Right Potatoes: Choose Yukon Gold or Russet potatoes for their ideal texture and flavor.
  2. Washing and Peeling: Thoroughly wash the potatoes and peel them if desired.
  3. Cutting Potatoes: Cut the potatoes into evenly sized chunks to ensure even cooking.

Steaming Process Explained

  1. Setting Up the Steamer: Fill a large pot with water, ensuring it doesn’t touch the bottom of the steamer basket.
  2. Steaming the Potatoes: Place the potato chunks in the steamer basket and cover with a lid. Steam for about 20-25 minutes or until tender.

Mashing Techniques for Perfect Texture

  1. Mashing the Potatoes: Transfer the steamed potatoes to a mixing bowl. Use a potato masher or ricer to mash until smooth.
  2. Incorporating Ingredients: Add butter, milk or cream, salt, and pepper. Mix until well combined and creamy.

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