My Fiancé Canceled Our Wedding Last Minute—Then I Found Out He Had Married Someone Else that Day

It all started when Jerry and I were very young. We grew up together, and we were best friends before we even knew what being in love meant. As time went on, our friendship grew stronger, and it became something more. We thought our love was strong and would last forever.


When Jerry asked me to marry him, it felt like the natural next step. Our families were so happy, and we planned our wedding carefully. We sent out invitations, booked the place where we would get married, and I had my beautiful dress ready. I was so excited for the happiest day of my life. But the night before our wedding, everything changed. I was at my parents’ house with my friends who were going to be in my wedding. We were laughing and talking about the next day when my phone rang. It was Jerry. I thought he was calling to say a sweet “I love you” before we got married. I answered the phone, smiling, and said, “Hey, you—”


But he cut me off and said, “I can’t do this.” His voice sounded empty and far away. I sat up straight and held the phone tightly. “What are you saying?” I asked. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I can’t go through with it. The wedding… it’s canceled.” Then he hung up.


I called him back, but he didn’t answer. I sent him messages, but he didn’t reply. I felt scared and confused. My friends could tell something was wrong, but I couldn’t even talk. Jerry was gone. His family was just as confused as mine. No one knew where he was. He hadn’t gone home, and he wasn’t answering his phone. It was like he had disappeared, leaving behind confusion and sadness. I was very upset. The next few days were hard. I didn’t leave my room. We canceled the wedding plans and told the guests. I was heartbroken, and the pain wouldn’t go away.

Four days later, my best friend Sarah called me. “Have you seen the pictures?” she asked. Her voice sounded worried. “What pictures?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper. There was silence, and then she said, “Jerry got married.” I laughed because it seemed impossible. “You’re joking,” I said. “I’m not,” she said, her voice shaking. “He got married on the same day we were supposed to.”

I felt like I was falling. My hands were shaking as she sent me a link. I clicked on it and saw the photos. Jerry was standing at the altar. Jerry was holding another woman’s hands. Jerry was smiling as he kissed her. He was wearing the same suit he was supposed to wear for me. The place was different, but the feeling of being betrayed was the same. I stared at the pictures, not understanding what I was seeing. “Why? How?” I thought. Then, my sadness turned into anger.

Jerry thought he could just disappear and forget about what he had done.

But he didn’t know what was going to happen next.

Because I wasn’t just sad anymore.

I was ready to take action.

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