My Chinese neighbor taught me this and I swear I’m never eating eggs any other way!

Chinese Steamed Eggs are a traditional dish enjoyed for their delicate texture and comforting flavor. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about this beloved dish, from its origins to preparation techniques and serving suggestions.



Ingredients Quantity
Large Eggs 3
Water or Broth 1 1/2 cups (chicken or vegetable)
Sesame Oil 1/2 teaspoon
Salt 1/4 teaspoon (or to taste)
Light Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon (for garnish)
Scallion 1, finely chopped (for garnish)
Sesame Oil A few drops (for garnish)


  1. Prepare the Steaming Equipment: Fill a large steamer pot or wok with water and bring it to a simmer over medium heat. Place a steaming rack or tray in the pot to hold the bowl of eggs.
  2. Beat the Eggs: In a mixing bowl, crack the eggs and beat them gently with a whisk or fork until well combined.
  3. Add Seasonings: Stir in the water or broth, sesame oil, and salt into the beaten eggs until evenly distributed.
  4. Steam the Eggs: Pour the egg mixture into a heatproof bowl or dish that fits comfortably inside the steamer pot. Cover the bowl with a lid or aluminum foil.
  5. Steam the Eggs: Carefully place the bowl of eggs onto the steaming rack or tray in the pot. Cover the pot with a lid and steam the eggs over medium-low heat for 12-15 minutes, or until the eggs are set and slightly jiggly in the center.
  6. Check for Doneness: To test if the eggs are cooked, insert a toothpick or knife into the center of the eggs. If it comes out clean, the eggs are done.
  7. Garnish and Serve: Once the eggs are cooked, remove them from the steamer and garnish with chopped scallions. Drizzle with a few drops of sesame oil and light soy sauce for added flavor.
  8. Serve Warm: Serve the Chinese Steamed Eggs immediately as a standalone dish or as part of a larger meal. Enjoy the smooth and custardy texture with steamed rice or your favorite side dishes.

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