Mom defends going through kids’ phones because she pays for them

Parenting is a complex journey filled with challenges and triumphs. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to raising children, many parents strive to guide their kids towards making sound decisions. One area that has become increasingly pivotal in modern parenting is managing children’s screen time and online activities.


A North Carolina mother named Laura Muse has garnered attention for her approach to this challenge. As a mental health clinician and the financial provider for her children’s phones, Muse has implemented a strict screen time policy, including a nightly phone confiscation ritual. Her methods have sparked a vigorous debate online, with some supporting her stance and others vehemently opposing it.



Muse’s decision to monitor her children’s digital lives is rooted in her desire to protect them from potential online dangers and to ensure they maintain a healthy balance between technology and real-life experiences. By regularly checking her children’s phones, she aims to identify any red flags or concerning behaviors early on. This proactive approach has allowed her to address issues such as inappropriate social media content directly with her children, turning these situations into valuable learning opportunities.

The debate over parental involvement in children’s digital lives has intensified, with many parents sharing their own strategies on platforms like TikTok. While some argue that such monitoring is essential for safeguarding children’s well-being, others contend that it constitutes an invasion of privacy and undermines trust.

The question of where to draw the line between parental oversight and children’s autonomy is a complex one. Ultimately, each family must determine the approach that best suits their values and circumstances. Open communication, mutual respect, and age-appropriate guidelines are essential components of navigating the digital age together.

As the quote accurately reflects, Muse believes that “I own their phones, I pay for the phones. I can go through them whenever I want.” However, it’s important to note that this perspective is not universally shared. Some experts suggest that building trust and establishing clear expectations from a young age can foster responsible digital citizenship without resorting to constant surveillance.

It’s undeniable that technology has become an integral part of modern life. Striking a balance between protecting children and respecting their privacy is a challenge that parents continue to grapple with.

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