Meghan Markle ‘left in tears’ after ‘unfair criticism’ of her new lifestyle brand

Meghan Markle’s journey from the British royal family to a lifestyle brand entrepreneur has been nothing short of a rollercoaster. With high-profile deals, public scrutiny, and personal ambitions, her story is a testament to resilience amidst criticism. Recently, Meghan launched her new lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, only to face unexpected backlash that reportedly left her “in tears.”


Background: Meghan and Harry’s Departure from Royal Life

When Meghan Markle and Prince Harry decided to step down from their royal duties in early 2020, the world was stunned. Their decision to leave behind the royal life led them first to Canada and then to the sunny shores of Montecito, California. This transition marked the beginning of a new chapter, filled with opportunities and challenges.



Building a Business Empire

Once settled in California, Meghan and Harry wasted no time in building their business empire. In September 2020, they secured a lucrative five-year $100 million production deal with Netflix. This was followed by a four-book deal with their publisher, Random House, which included a staggering $20 million advance and the potential for over $120 million in global royalties. Additionally, they signed a $20 million contract with Spotify, which could have been worth up to $35 million when signed.

Life in Montecito

Their life in Montecito is the epitome of luxury. Living in a $14 million mansion, Meghan and Harry enjoy a lifestyle that many dream of. Despite the ups and downs, they seem to have found a sense of stability in their new home.

Successes and Setbacks

Their business ventures have seen a mix of successes and setbacks. The Netflix series released in December 2022 was a massive hit, and Harry’s memoir, Spare, sold millions of copies within days. Meghan’s Spotify podcast, Archetypes, also showed early promise, topping charts and featuring influential guests like Mindy Kaling, Mariah Carey, and Serena Williams. However, despite this initial success, their Spotify deal came to an abrupt end.

Canceled Spotify Deal

In June last year, Harry and Meghan’s media group, Archewell Audio, and Spotify mutually agreed to part ways, ending their multi-million dollar contract. This $20 million deal had only produced one series, Meghan’s podcast Archetypes. Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams called this a “shocking failure,” highlighting that the contract’s potential had not been realized.

Criticism and Public Perception

The cancellation of the Spotify deal led to some harsh public comments. Bill Simmons, Spotify’s head of podcast innovation and monetization, referred to Meghan and Harry as “grifters” on his podcast. He expressed frustration over their lack of contribution under the contract, adding fuel to the fire of public scrutiny they were already facing.

Meghan’s Ambitions

Despite these challenges, Meghan remained ambitious. She had always aimed to leverage her royal status to achieve a higher level of celebrity. According to royal commentator Jane Barr, Meghan wanted to be a “superstar” on the international stage, separate from the control of the British crown.

Introduction of American Riviera Orchard

In March earlier this year, Meghan announced her new lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard. The first product, a limited collection of lemon-filled gift baskets containing fresh fruit jam, was sent to 50 friends, many of whom were celebrities. The brand promised exclusivity and luxury, aiming to carve out a niche in the market.

Reception of the Lifestyle Brand

However, the launch did not go as planned. The brand’s first product was criticized for being “overpriced and unimpressive.” Meghan, who had high hopes for her new venture, was reportedly left “in tears” by the harsh feedback. The public’s reaction was a stark contrast to her expectations, leading to an emotional setback.

Insights from Royal Experts

Royal expert Tom Quinn revealed that Meghan felt devastated by the reception of her lifestyle brand. He claimed that Meghan had become sensitive to criticism and felt that everything she did was unfairly judged. Quinn also mentioned that Prince Harry believed the criticism was unjust and felt protective of Meghan.

Future of American Riviera Orchard

Despite the rocky start, there is still potential for American Riviera Orchard to succeed. PR expert Mayah Riaz suggested that the brand could earn a “seven-figure sum within the first year.” With plans to expand into products like oils, home fragrances, kitchen utensils, and homeware, the brand has room for growth and improvement.

PR Strategies and Brand Management

To navigate the criticism and improve public perception, effective PR strategies are essential. Building a strong brand image, engaging with customers, and demonstrating product value can help regain public trust. Transparency and authenticity in marketing can also play a crucial role in reshaping the brand’s narrative.

The Personal Toll on Meghan

The public scrutiny and criticism have taken a personal toll on Meghan. Reports indicate that she was not prepared for the backlash and found it emotionally challenging. Prince Harry’s support has been crucial during this time, as he continues to stand by her side and advocate for her.

Meghan Markle’s journey from royalty to entrepreneurship has been filled with both triumphs and trials. The launch of her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, faced unexpected criticism, leaving her emotionally affected. However, with resilience and strategic planning, there is still hope for the brand to thrive. Meghan’s story is a reminder of the challenges faced by public figures and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.

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