I’ve never gotten so many compliments on something I’ve made!

German Potato Pancakes, a traditional favorite, offer a delightful culinary experience. Discover the joy of creating these golden-brown delights that serve 15. This comprehensive article guides you through the process, providing insights and tips to master the art of making perfect German Potato Pancakes.



Ingredients Quantity
Gold potatoes, shredded 6
Eggs, Large 2
Flour 2 Tbsp.
Pepper ¼ tsp.
Salt ½ tsp.
Onion, Finely chopped ½ C.
Baking powder ¼ tsp.
Vegetable oil, for frying ¼ C.


  1. Mix Ingredients: Combine shredded potatoes, eggs, flour, pepper, salt, chopped onion, and baking powder in a bowl. Mix well until everything is fully combined.
  2. Heat Oil: In a skillet, heat vegetable oil over medium-high heat.
  3. Shape Pancakes: Spoon small 1/4-cup portions of the potato mixture into the heated oil, shaping them into pancakes.
  4. Cook Until Golden: Cook for a few minutes on each side until the pancakes turn golden brown and crispy.
  5. Drain Excess Oil: Place the cooked pancakes on a paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess oil.
  6. Serve: Enjoy your German Potato Pancakes! They pair well with sour cream, applesauce, or your preferred toppings.

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