I seriously couldn’t stop munching on them! I couldn’t believe you can just make these in the microwave. Brilliant!

Microwave cottage cheese chips are a quick and healthy snack that can be made in minutes. They offer a delightful crunch and are packed with protein, making them an excellent alternative to traditional chips. This article delves into the details of creating these delicious chips, their nutritional benefits, and tips for perfecting the recipe.



Ingredient Quantity
Full-fat cottage cheese (4% milkfat, small curd with additives) 1/3 cup
Onion powder 1/8 teaspoon
Garlic powder 1/8 teaspoon
Salt Pinch


  1. Mixing the Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, combine the full-fat cottage cheese, onion powder, garlic powder, and a pinch of salt. Stir until the ingredients are well blended.
  2. Preparing the Chips: Spoon teaspoon-sized portions of the mixture onto parchment paper, spacing them a few inches apart. Flatten each portion with a spoon. If necessary, use two sheets of parchment paper.
  3. Microwaving: Place the parchment paper with the cottage cheese dollops in the microwave. Cook at half power for 3-4 minutes until the chips appear dried and slightly browned. Adjust the time as necessary, microwaving in 30-second intervals.
  4. Cooling and Serving: Let the chips sit for 2 minutes to harden, then carefully peel them from the parchment paper. Serve immediately and enjoy!

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