Granny’s Country White Bread

Embark on a culinary journey with Granny’s Country White Bread, a timeless recipe that promises a warm, homemade experience. This article unveils the secrets to crafting the perfect loaf, from the precise liquid and dry ingredients to the meticulous preparation steps.


Granny’s Country White Bread: Liquid Ingredients

The Heart of the Recipe: Water at the Right Temperature

Discover the importance of 385g (1 1/2 cups + 2 tablespoons) water, tailored to your bread machine model’s specific temperature settings. Achieve the ideal bread texture with this carefully measured liquid.


Sweet Elegance: Sweet Olive Oil and Maple Syrup

Enhance the flavor profile with 30ml (2 tablespoons) sweet olive oil and 30ml (2 tablespoons) maple syrup. Unleash a sweet and savory combination that elevates Granny’s Country White Bread.


Binding it Together: The Perfectly Beaten Egg

Learn the art of beating 1 egg to perfection. This essential ingredient binds the elements together, contributing to the bread’s structure and texture.

Granny’s Country White Bread: Dry Ingredients

Tiny Powerhouses: Chia Seeds

Unveil the nutritional boost of 20g (30ml/2 tablespoons) chia seeds. Grind them to harness their full potential, adding both texture and health benefits to your bread.

Flour Power: La Merveilleux All-Purpose Flour

Immerse yourself in the world of baking with 385g (2 3/4 cups) La Merveilleux all-purpose flour. This versatile ingredient ensures the right consistency and taste for Granny’s Country White Bread.

Balancing Act: Salt and Instant Yeast

Perfect the balance with 3.5ml (3/4 teaspoon) salt and 1ml (1/4 teaspoon) instant yeast. Explore how these elements harmonize, contributing to the bread’s flavor and structure.

Granny’s Country White Bread: Preparation

Precision Matters: Optimal Measurements in Grams

Unlock success by adhering to the recipe’s gram measurements. Precision in ingredients ensures a foolproof Granny’s Country White Bread every time.

Grinding Magic: Chia Seeds in the Coffee Grinder

Discover a secret step in the process – grind chia seeds to a fine texture using a coffee grinder. Elevate your bread’s texture and nutritional value with this simple yet crucial step.

Building the Foundation: Properly Inserting the Kneading Blade

Set the stage for success by ensuring the kneading blade is well-inserted into the bread machine mold. This foundational step guarantees even mixing and proper rise.

The Art of Layering: Placing Liquid and Dry Ingredients

Master the technique of layering. Place liquid ingredients first, followed by the flour mixture, creating a well for yeast. This method ensures optimal integration of all elements.

Machine Mastery: Starting and Managing the Bread Machine

Navigate the parameters of your bread machine model for the appropriate cycle. Open the lid strategically, scrape the edges, and let the machine work its magic without interruptions.

The Culmination: Cooling and Unmolding

As the cycle concludes, remove the bread promptly, avoiding the hot cycle. Unmold it and let it cool on a wire rack. Patience is key before removing the kneading blade for the perfect Granny’s Country White Bread.

Granny’s Country White Bread is not just a recipe; it’s a journey of flavors and textures. Follow this comprehensive guide to create a loaf that embodies the warmth of homemade goodness. Elevate your baking skills and savor the joy of crafting a timeless classic.

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