Goodbye to Wasting Tomato Paste

Sick of throwing away half-used cans of tomato paste? This simple technique will help you preserve leftover tomato paste and use it whenever you need it.



Ingredient Quantity
Tablespoon 1
Baking sheet or tray 1
Parchment or wax paper 1 sheet
Freezer-safe container or zip-top bag 1


  1. Scoop out the paste: After using the desired amount, scoop the leftover tomato paste from the can using a tablespoon.
  2. Create individual portions: Line a baking sheet or tray with parchment or wax paper. Scoop tablespoon-sized mounds of tomato paste onto the lined tray. Space the mounds slightly apart to prevent them from touching.
  3. Freeze: Place the baking sheet in the freezer and freeze the tomato paste mounds until they are solid. This should take approximately 2-3 hours.
  4. Transfer to a container: Once the mounds are completely frozen, remove them from the tray and transfer them to a freezer-safe container or zip-top bag. Label the bag with the date for future reference.
  5. Use as needed: When you need tomato paste for a recipe, simply take out as many frozen portions as required. They can be added directly to hot dishes like soups and sauces without needing to thaw first.

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