Golden Syrup Sponge

The Golden Syrup Sponge is a classic British dessert known for its sweet and sticky goodness. It’s a simple yet incredibly satisfying treat that warms the heart and the soul. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice in the kitchen, you can easily whip up this dessert and impress your guests.


Before you start baking, gather the following ingredients:


Ingredients Quantity
Margarine 4oz
Caster sugar 4oz
Self-raising flour 4oz
Eggs 2
Vanilla extract 2 teaspoons
Golden syrup As needed


Now, let’s dive into the process of making this delightful dessert:


  1. Cream Margarine, Sugar & Vanilla Extract: In a mixing bowl, cream together the 4oz of margarine, 4oz of caster sugar, and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. Beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  2. Add Eggs and Beat Well: Add the 2 eggs to the mixture and beat them in thoroughly. You want the mixture to be well combined and fluffy.
  3. Sieve Flour and Fold In: Sift the 4oz of self-raising flour into the bowl and gently fold it into the mixture. Be careful not to overmix; you want a light and airy batter.
  4. Prepare the Bowl: Lightly grease a pyrex bowl. This will prevent the cake from sticking to the sides.
  5. Add Golden Syrup: Pour a generous helping of golden syrup into the bottom of the pyrex bowl. This is what will create that lovely gooey layer at the bottom of the sponge.
  6. Add Cake Mixture: Carefully add the cake mixture on top of the golden syrup in the bowl.
  7. Cook in Slow Cooker: Fill your slow cooker halfway up the bowl with water. Place either a kitchen towel or tea towel under the lid to absorb any excess moisture. Cook on high for 2 hours.
  8. Indulge with Custard: Once it’s done, scoop out a portion of this delightful Golden Syrup Sponge and serve it warm with custard for the ultimate indulgence.

Tips for a Perfect Golden Syrup Sponge

  • Ensure that the cake mixture is evenly spread over the golden syrup to create that perfect layer of gooey sweetness at the bottom.
  • Experiment with the amount of golden syrup to suit your sweetness preference. More syrup will result in a stickier, sweeter sponge.
  • If you don’t have a slow cooker, you can also bake this dessert in the oven at 180°C (350°F) for approximately 30-35 minutes.

Serving Suggestions

The Golden Syrup Sponge is delicious on its own, but you can take it to the next level with these serving ideas:

  • Serve with a dollop of freshly whipped cream.
  • Pair it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a cold and hot contrast.
  • Garnish with a sprinkle of powdered sugar for an elegant touch.

The History of Golden Syrup

Golden syrup, the star of this dessert, has a rich history. It was first introduced in the 1880s and has been a beloved ingredient in British baking ever since. Its unique flavor and golden hue make it a staple in many traditional recipes.

In conclusion, the Golden Syrup Sponge is a dessert that brings comfort and joy to all who taste it. With its simple ingredients and easy preparation, it’s a delightful treat for any occasion. So, why wait? Get ready to savor the warm, sweet, and sticky goodness of this classic dessert.

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