Dairy Queen store got in serious trouble after posting controversial sign

In 2017, a Dairy Queen franchise in Kewaskum, Wisconsin, found itself at the center of an online debate after a customer posted a picture of its window sign. The sign, which declared the restaurant’s stance on “political correctness,” ignited discussions about holiday greetings, religious references, and inclusivity in public spaces.


Navigating a Changing Landscape of Greetings


The sign highlighted the use of traditional holiday greetings like “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Easter,” sparking conversation about the potential for such expressions to be perceived as exclusionary in a society with diverse backgrounds and beliefs. The debate highlighted the growing awareness of the importance of using inclusive language that acknowledges various cultural and religious traditions.


A Sign of Transparency or Provocation?

The owner, Kevin Scheunemann, defended the sign, explaining it was intended for transparency about his and his staff’s values. He cited an incident where a customer objected to Christian music playing in the restaurant, prompting him to display the sign as a way to manage customer expectations.

The sign also included references to national pride with “God Bless America” and “In God We Trust,” further fueling the online debate. Scheunemann expressed his belief that these values, once considered universally accepted, were becoming controversial.

Mixed Reactions and a Company Response

The sign elicited strong reactions. While some customers felt it was “pretty tasteless” and alienating, others expressed support, traveling long distances to meet the owner. The national Dairy Queen corporation distanced itself from the sign, emphasizing that it represented the views of the independent franchise owner and not the company as a whole. They reiterated their expectation for all franchises to treat customers with dignity and respect.

A Reminder of the Importance of Open Communication

The Kewaskum Dairy Queen sign serves as a reminder of the evolving social landscape and the importance of open communication in today’s diverse society. Businesses can navigate these complexities by fostering inclusive environments and using language that is respectful of all customers.

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