Cold dog, a classic!

Embark on a culinary journey with the iconic Cold Dog, a classic dessert that transcends time. Learn the art of crafting this delectable delight that combines the richness of cocoa, the warmth of rum, and the sweetness of butter biscuits. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of preparation, providing a comprehensive guide for both novice and seasoned bakers.



Vanilla Sugar
Coconut Oil
Butter Biscuits


  1. Foamy Perfection Start by stirring the egg, sugar, and vanilla sugar until achieving a delightful foaminess.
  2. Liquid Gold Melt the coconut oil, let it cool, and gradually stir in the cocoa, rum, and the foamy egg-sugar mixture into the liquid, cooled fat.
  3. Layering Magic Fill a loaf tin with layers of butter biscuits and cocoa mass, ensuring the bottom layer is cocoa and the top layer is biscuits.
  4. Chill Time Place the Cold Dog in the fridge overnight for an optimal melding of flavors.
  5. Slicing Elegance Turn it out of the mold, peel off the foil, and finally cut into thin, elegant slices.

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