Clean Oven Vents In Minutes With This Easy Kitchen Hack!

In the world of cooking, we often encounter greasy and grimy oven vents that can be a real eyesore. Cleaning them can be a daunting task, but fear not; we have an easy kitchen hack that will have your oven vents looking brand new in no time! This simple method requires just a few common household items, a little patience, and minimal effort. Get ready to discover how to clean oven vents effortlessly.


What You Need for Clean Oven Vents:

Before we delve into the cleaning process, let’s gather the essential items:


  1. Water – enough to fill the pot halfway.
  2. 1 cup baking soda – be sure to use a cheap one; it works just as well!
  3. Large soup pot – make sure your vents will fit neatly into it.
  4. Kitchen Scissor Tongs.

That’s it! Surprisingly, these basic items are all you need to transform your dirty oven vents into sparkling clean ones.


The Cleaning Process:

Now, let’s break down the steps to clean oven vents effectively:

Step 1: Prepare the Water

Start by filling up your large soup pot with water, filling it halfway.

Step 2: The Discovery

We’ve all seen countless kitchen hacks on Pinterest, and many of them fall short of their promises. However, this one is different! If your oven vents have become a greasy nightmare, you’re in for a treat. Traditional cleaning methods often leave us frustrated, but this hack is about to change that.

Step 3: Submerge and Soak

When the water in the pot comes to a boil, add about 1 cup of baking soda. Stir the baking soda and water mixture for a few seconds, then turn off the heat. Now, grab a pair of Kitchen Scissor Tongs and gently place the oven vents into the mixture.

Leave them in for about a minute, and you’ll start to witness the magic happening right before your eyes. The grime and grease will begin to dissolve remarkably fast, allowing you to multitask with your cleaning chores or simply relax with a glass of wine – the choice is yours.

Note: It’s advisable to turn off the flame and let it sit in the mixture to prevent it from boiling over due to the foamy film that may form.

Step 4: Witness the Transformation

Behold the incredible transformation! Your oven vents will emerge from the mixture looking astonishingly clean, including the once-greasy metal rims.

Step 5: Rinse and Rejoice

Once you’re satisfied with the cleanliness of your oven vents, carefully bring the entire pot over to the sink and safely dispose of the water. Be sure to use your tongs to remove the vents and rinse them with cool water for a minute.

Congratulations! You now have impeccably clean oven vents, and you can easily repeat this process whenever they start to get grimy, without breaking a sweat.

The Money-Saving Bonus:

Here’s the icing on the cake – this kitchen hack not only restores your oven vents to their former glory but also saves you money. You won’t need to replace your oven kitchen vents, thanks to this simple and effective cleaning method.

Cleaning oven vents can be a daunting task, but with this easy kitchen hack, it becomes a breeze. Using just water, baking soda, and some patience, you can transform grimy vents into sparkling clean ones. Plus, it’s a money-saving solution that will extend the life of your oven vents. So, the next time your oven vents need some TLC, remember this simple yet effective method.

Now that you know how to clean oven vents effortlessly, go ahead and give it a try. Your kitchen will thank you!

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