Savor the luscious blend of Chocolate & Vanilla Panna Cotta – a treat that transcends taste boundaries. In this article, we’ll guide you through crafting this decadent dessert duo, exploring the nuances of each layer, and sharing tips to elevate your culinary experience. Let’s dive into the world of indulgence!



Vanilla Panna Cotta:

Ingredients Measurements
Whole Milk 1 cup
Unflavored Gelatin 1 tablespoon
Granulated Sugar 1/3 cup
Vanilla Bean (or Extract) 1 bean (split lengthwise)
Heavy Cream 1 cup

Chocolate Panna Cotta:

Ingredients Measurements
Whole Milk 1 cup
Unflavored Gelatin 1 tablespoon
Granulated Sugar 1/3 cup
Cocoa Powder 1/4 cup
Heavy Cream 1 cup


Step 1: Gather Ingredients

Vanilla Panna Cotta:

  • Whole Milk: 1 cup
  • Unflavored Gelatin: 1 tablespoon
  • Granulated Sugar: 1/3 cup
  • Vanilla Bean (or Extract): 1 bean (split lengthwise)
  • Heavy Cream: 1 cup

Chocolate Panna Cotta:

  • Whole Milk: 1 cup
  • Unflavored Gelatin: 1 tablespoon
  • Granulated Sugar: 1/3 cup
  • Cocoa Powder: 1/4 cup
  • Heavy Cream: 1 cup

Step 2: Bloom Gelatin

  • In a small bowl, pour 1/4 cup of milk.
  • Sprinkle gelatin over the milk.
  • Let it sit for 5 minutes to bloom.

Step 3: Combine Ingredients

For Vanilla Panna Cotta:

  • In a saucepan, combine 3/4 cup of milk, granulated sugar, and scraped seeds from the vanilla bean.
  • Heat until sugar dissolves and the mixture is warm but not boiling.

For Chocolate Panna Cotta:

  • Combine 3/4 cup of milk, granulated sugar, and cocoa powder.
  • Heat until sugar dissolves and the mixture is warm but not boiling.

Step 4: Add Gelatin Mixture

  • Add the bloomed gelatin mixture to the warm milk mixture.
  • Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Step 5: Add Heavy Cream

  • Stir in the heavy cream.
  • Continue to heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is well combined and just begins to simmer.

Step 6: Strain and Pour

For Vanilla Panna Cotta:

  • Strain the mixture to remove any vanilla bean particles.
  • Pour evenly into serving glasses or molds, filling them halfway.
  • Refrigerate until set, about 2-4 hours.

For Chocolate Panna Cotta:

  • Strain the mixture to remove any cocoa powder particles.
  • Carefully pour over the set vanilla panna cotta.
  • Refrigerate until fully set, about 4-6 hours or overnight.

Step 7: Serve

  • Once set, serve the chocolate and vanilla panna cotta chilled.
  • Garnish with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, or fresh berries if desired.

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