A salesman was trying to talk a farmer

A salesman, his brow furrowed with determination, was trying his darndest to convince a weathered farmer leaning against his weathered fence post to loosen his purse strings for a brand new bicycle. However, the farmer, a man who valued practicality above all else, wasn’t easily swayed.


“Now son,” the farmer drawled, stroking his beard thoughtfully, “I appreciate the offer, but a shiny new bicycle just ain’t somethin’ I have much use for on this here farm. I’d much rather put that money towards a sturdy new milking cow.”


The salesman, ever the optimist, adjusted his tie and flashed a winning smile. “Of course, I understand the allure of a fine bovine,” he conceded, “but think how silly you’d look riding around on a cow. It wouldn’t exactly be the picture of efficiency.”


The farmer snorted, a hint of amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes. “Humph! Well, that might be true, but it certainly wouldn’t look any more peculiar than me sittin’ out here tryin’ to milk a contraption with two wheels and no udder!”

A chuckle rumbled from the salesman’s chest. The farmer had a point, but he wasn’t ready to give up yet. Perhaps a different approach was needed. With a twinkle in his eye, the salesman started formulating a new strategy, one that might appeal to the farmer’s practical side and love for his land…

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