Easy Cheese Breadsticks Recipe

When it comes to comfort food, nothing quite compares to freshly baked cheese breadsticks. Whether you’re enjoying them as a side dish or as a savory snack, these cheese breadsticks offer a delightful crunch with a soft, cheesy interior that melts in your mouth. In this recipe, we combine simple ingredients to create breadsticks that are not only easy to prepare but also packed with flavor. This guide will take you through each step, ensuring you can make the best easy cheese breadsticks right at home.


Ingredients for Easy Cheese Breadsticks

To make these irresistible cheese breadsticks, you’ll need the following ingredients:


Ingredient Quantity
Flour 1 ⅝ cup
Dry yeast 7g
Salt 3g
Warm milk 180ml
Butter (melted) 45g
Egg 1
Shredded cheese 125g
Chopped parsley 3 tbsp
Softened butter As needed for brushing
Egg wash As needed for brushing

Each of these ingredients plays a critical role in giving the breadsticks their flavor, texture, and signature cheesy goodness. For best results, make sure all ingredients are fresh, especially the yeast and cheese, as they directly influence the texture and taste.


Step-by-Step Directions for Making Cheese Breadsticks

Step 1: Preparing the Dough

Start by combining the dry ingredients. In a large mixing bowl, sift together the flour and salt. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture, and then add the yeast, warm milk, melted butter, and egg. It’s important to whisk these liquid ingredients together in the center before gradually incorporating the flour. This method ensures that the yeast activates properly, leading to a light and fluffy texture for the breadsticks.

Key tip: Ensure the milk is warm but not too hot (around 37°C/98°F) to avoid killing the yeast. This will help the dough rise well, giving your breadsticks a perfect texture.

Step 2: Kneading and Resting the Dough

Once the ingredients come together in a shaggy dough, transfer it to a floured surface and begin kneading. You’ll want to knead for about 8-10 minutes, or until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. This process helps develop the gluten in the dough, which gives the breadsticks their chewy texture.

Form the dough into a ball and place it in a lightly greased bowl. Cover with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and allow the dough to rise for at least an hour, or until it has doubled in size.

Pro tip: Letting the dough rise in a warm, draft-free environment ensures optimal yeast activity. If your kitchen is cool, you can place the bowl in a slightly warmed oven (turned off) for better results.

Step 3: Shaping and Layering the Dough

Once the dough has risen, punch it down gently to release the air. Divide the dough into four equal portions. Roll each portion into a ball, then roll them out into rectangles (roughly 1/4 inch thick).

Next, brush two of the rectangles with softened butter. This layer of butter will create a rich, flaky texture. Sprinkle generously with shredded cheese and chopped parsley, ensuring an even layer. Cover the buttered and cheesed dough with the remaining two rectangles, effectively sandwiching the cheese layer between the dough.

Pro tip: Be creative with your choice of cheese. For extra flavor, you can mix different cheeses such as parmesan, cheddar, and gouda.

Step 4: Twisting the Breadsticks

After stacking the dough layers, use a rolling pin to gently press down the layers. Then, slice the layered dough into strips (about 1 inch wide). For extra buttery goodness, brush the strips with more softened butter before twisting them. Twist each strip a few times to create a spiral pattern that not only looks impressive but also enhances the cheese and butter distribution throughout the breadstick.

Key tip: Twisting the dough tightly helps the breadsticks hold their shape during baking and ensures an even distribution of cheese throughout each bite.

Step 5: Proofing and Baking

Place the twisted breadsticks on a parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving enough space between them for expansion. Let the breadsticks rest for another 20 minutes. This additional proofing time allows the dough to relax and rise further, resulting in lighter, fluffier breadsticks.

Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F during this time. Once the breadsticks have rested, brush them with an egg wash (made by whisking an egg with a tablespoon of water). This step ensures the breadsticks will develop a beautiful golden-brown crust when baked.

Bake the breadsticks in the preheated oven for about 25 minutes or until they are golden brown and crispy on the outside. The aroma of melted cheese and freshly baked bread will fill your kitchen as the breadsticks cook to perfection.

Step 6: Serve and Enjoy

Once out of the oven, allow the breadsticks to cool slightly before serving. They are best enjoyed warm, with the cheese still gooey inside. For added indulgence, brush the tops with more melted butter right before serving.

Serving suggestion: Pair your cheese breadsticks with marinara sauce or garlic butter for dipping. These breadsticks also complement soups and salads perfectly, making them a versatile addition to any meal.

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