“I knew this was going to be tasty, but ohhhh my GOSH! Yum! It’s a pretty hearty recipe, but the family still wiped the whole thing out in one sitting.”

This classic caramel icing recipe delivers a rich, buttery flavor and a smooth, glossy finish. Perfect for cakes, cupcakes, or as a drizzle over ice cream.



Ingredient Quantity
Sugar 3 cups
Milk 1 1/3 cups
Cold Butter 1 1/2 sticks
Sugar (for caramelizing) 5 tbsp


  1. Heat the Sugar and Milk: Combine 3 cups of sugar and 1 1/3 cups of milk in a large saucepan. Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves completely.
  2. Caramelize the Sugar: In a separate skillet, heat 5 tbsp of sugar over medium-high heat, stirring constantly until it melts and turns a deep amber color. Be careful not to burn it.
  3. Combine Caramel with Milk Mixture: Carefully pour the caramelized sugar into the hot milk mixture. Stir well to combine and cook for about 15 minutes, or until it reaches the soft ball stage (235-240°F).

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