“OMG, we ate wayyyyy too much of this! It was just too good to stop.”

A perfectly cooked ribeye steak is a culinary masterpiece. With its rich flavor and tender texture, it’s a favorite among meat lovers. This recipe provides a simple yet effective method for grilling a delicious ribeye steak.



Ingredient Quantity
Ribeye steak 1
Sea salt flakes To taste
Freshly ground black pepper To taste
Butter 50g
Thyme 2 sprigs
Crushed garlic with skin 1 clove


  1. Prepare the steak: Take the ribeye steak out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking to let it reach room temperature. This ensures even cooking.
  2. Season the steak: Generously sprinkle sea salt and freshly ground black pepper on both sides of the steak.
  3. Heat the pan: Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat.
  4. Cook the steak: Add the seasoned steak to the hot pan and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, depending on the desired thickness and degree of doneness. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature: 50°C for rare, 60°C for medium, and 70°C for well-done.
  5. Add aromatics: After turning the steak for the first time, add the butter, thyme, and garlic to the pan. Tilt the pan and pour the butter over the steak repeatedly for one minute.
  6. Rest the steak: Remove the steak from the pan and let it rest for 5 minutes before slicing. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more tender and flavorful steak.
  7. Serve: Cut the steak into strips, season with additional salt and pepper, and serve with your favorite side dishes and sauce.

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