Farmer finds newborn calf freezing in the snow — and saves his life with a hot tub

Many animals, especially newborns, are particularly vulnerable to the harsh elements of winter. Conditions like hypothermia and frostbite can pose serious threats to their survival. That’s why stories of people going above and beyond to protect animals from the cold are always heartwarming.



One such story comes from Rossville, Indiana, where farmer Dean Gangwer used a rather unconventional method to save the life of a freezing calf. On a chilly morning in 2015, Dean stumbled upon a surprising new addition to his farm: a newborn calf, shivering and alone on a mound of snow.


Realizing the calf’s critical condition, Dean knew he needed to act quickly. He rushed the calf to his house and, drawing on his knowledge of cattle care, decided that a hot bath was the best course of action. And what better way to provide a warm bath than with his own hot tub?

As unusual as it may seem, this unconventional solution proved to be a lifesaver. “Leroy and I had a wonderful bath for an hour,” Dean told WRTV. “I got in fully clothed and held him up to prevent him from drowning. We both came out warm, and I think the end story’s going to be great for him.”

After his warm soak, the calf, now named Leroy, was wrapped in blankets to help him maintain his body temperature. Once his condition stabilized, Leroy was able to rejoin the herd.

While Dean’s decision to use his hot tub as a makeshift warming chamber was a quick and effective solution, he made it clear that this was a one-time occurrence. “Leroy has concluded his hot-tubbing,” he declared. “His days in the hot tub are definitely over, but he may still sunbathe occasionally in the grass in the future.”

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