Fix holes in your t-shirt with this super easy trick

Has a cherished sweatshirt or t-shirt fallen victim to a pesky little hole? Fear not, fashionista! Ignoring this tiny intruder is a recipe for a much larger problem. But don’t despair; with a few easy steps, you can transform your beloved garment from destined-for-the-dump to good-as-new.


This guide, inspired by the ingenious methods showcased in Professor Pincushion’s video, offers two effective techniques to banish those bothersome holes. Let’s dive in!


The No-Sew Miracle

What You’ll Need:


  • Parchment paper
  • Ironing board
  • Hot iron
  • Thin cloth
  • Fusible bonding web (lightweight)
  • Lightweight stabilizer

A Quick Tip Before You Start:

While these methods excel at tackling smaller holes, don’t shy away from trying them on slightly larger ones. You might be pleasantly surprised!

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prep Your Workspace: Lay a sheet of parchment paper on your ironing board and position your damaged shirt (inside out) on top.
  2. Close the Gap: Gently squeeze the hole together with your fingers to minimize its size.
  3. Apply Reinforcement: Cut a small square of fusible bonding web, slightly larger than the hole, and place it over the damaged area. Cover with a slightly larger piece of lightweight stabilizer.
  4. Protect Your Shirt: Shield the fabric from direct heat by placing a thin cloth over the area.
  5. Iron It Out: Set your iron to the “wool” setting and lightly dampen the cloth. Place the iron on the damp cloth and hold for 10 seconds without moving it.
  6. Reveal the Repair: Carefully remove the iron and cloth. Flip the shirt right side out and gently push the hole together. Apply direct heat with the iron for a few seconds.

Watch the video below for the tutorial:

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