Add mayo to boiling water and you will be surprised by the result

This recipe offers a unique twist on traditional dough balls. The addition of mayonnaise creates a surprisingly smooth and elastic dough that perfectly encapsulates the creamy potato and cheese filling.



For Dough:


Ingredient Quantity
Water 250ml
Mayonnaise 5 tbsp
Wheat flour 350g

For Potato Filling:


Ingredient Quantity
Boiled potatoes, diced 3 medium
Salt 1/2 tsp
Unsalted butter 1 tsp
Grated mozzarella cheese 100g


  1. Prepare Dough: Boil water, add mayonnaise, then gradually incorporate flour to form a smooth dough. Let cool.
  2. Prepare Filling: Mash boiled potatoes with salt and butter. Stir in grated mozzarella cheese.
  3. Shape Dough Balls: Divide cooled dough into 16 pieces. Shape each piece into a ball.
  4. Stuff Dough Balls: Flatten each dough ball, add a teaspoon of filling, seal, and reshape.
  5. Fry Dough Balls: Heat oil in a skillet. Fry stuffed dough balls until golden brown and crispy. Drain on paper towels.
  6. Serve: Serve hot with your preferred dip.

Enjoy this innovative and delicious snack!

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