7 effective methods to get rid of gross mildew smell from towels

Few things are more disappointing than grabbing a towel after a refreshing shower, only to be met with a musty smell. This unwelcome odor is often caused by mildew, a common issue that can ruin the experience of using towels. But fear not, as there are several effective methods to eliminate mildew odor and restore your towels to freshness. In this article, we’ll explore seven proven techniques to get rid of that unpleasant mildew smell, ensuring your towels are always clean and inviting.


1. Wash with Vinegar:

Using white vinegar is one of the most popular and effective methods for removing mildew odor from towels. Simply place your smelly towels in the washing machine and add one cup of white vinegar instead of detergent. Run a hot water cycle to break down and neutralize the mildew odor, leaving your towels smelling fresh.


2. Baking Soda Boost:

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can work wonders on smelly towels. After washing your towels with detergent, add half a cup of baking soda during the rinse cycle. This will help neutralize odors and leave your towels smelling clean and fresh.


3. Lemon Juice Freshness:

Lemon juice has natural antibacterial properties and a refreshing scent that can combat mildew odor effectively. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of lemon juice to your washing machine along with your regular detergent to infuse your towels with a citrusy freshness.

4. Sunlight Cure:

Harness the power of sunlight to naturally disinfect and deodorize your towels. Hang them outside in direct sunlight, allowing the UV rays to kill bacteria and mildew spores while the fresh air refreshes them. This method is particularly effective for white towels.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide Power:

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent disinfectant that can help eliminate mildew odor from towels. Mix equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide, then soak your towels in this solution for about 30 minutes before washing them as usual. This will break down the mildew and leave your towels smelling fresh.

6. Essential Oils Elixir:

Harness the natural antibacterial properties and delightful scents of essential oils to freshen your towels. Add a few drops of tea tree oil, lavender oil, or eucalyptus oil to your detergent or dryer sheets when washing your towels. Not only will this eliminate odors, but it will also impart a pleasant fragrance.

7. Proper Drying Technique:

Prevent mildew from returning by ensuring your towels are thoroughly dry after each use. Hang them up to air dry in a well-ventilated area, avoiding damp piles that provide the perfect environment for mildew to thrive. Regularly washing your towels and following these drying techniques will help maintain their freshness.

By incorporating these effective methods into your laundry routine, you can say goodbye to gross mildew smells and hello to fresh, invigorating towels. Remember to wash your towels regularly and utilize these techniques as needed to keep them clean and pleasant-smelling.

With these seven effective methods, you can easily eliminate mildew odor from your towels and enjoy the comfort of clean, fresh linens. Whether you prefer natural remedies like vinegar and baking soda or opt for essential oils for a pleasant fragrance, there’s a solution to suit every preference. Say goodbye to unpleasant odors and hello to the delightful sensation of clean towels.

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